Proposal Process

This section contains the steps and processes involved in preparing and submitting a proposal through OSP.

If you are looking for funding opportunities, please visit the Research Development website.

To begin the process, simply login to RAMP Grants and create a funding proposal.

Mason has adopted an internal deadline of four full business days, excluding the day of submission, in advance of the sponsor’s deadline. OSP must receive Department/College reviewed and approved final documents within this timeframe, please follow this link for full details on this policy: Internal Proposal Deadline Policy

OSP, the Department/College and the Principal Investigator (PI) need to work together to meet this goal.  We recommend you initiate a proposal in RAMP and/or contact OSP as soon as you begin considering developing a proposal for external funding.

Sponsors may request Letters of Intent (LOIs) to allow them to assess whether or not there is a good match between the proposed project and their interests:  Letters of Intent Procedures

If the Sponsor limits the number of applicants from an institution, the proposal is subject to the limited submission opportunity process.  PIs must obtain approval from the Research Development office by emailing before creating the proposal in RAMP.

The PI is a faculty member who submitted a proposal that was accepted and funded by an external sponsor, also referred to as the project director. The PI has the primary responsibility for technical compliance, completion of programmatic work, and fiscal stewardship of sponsor funds.

Biosketch and Current and Pending Information

NSF Current and Pending Requirements

  • Beginning August 8, 2024, under the NSPM-33 research security disclosure and certification requirements, ALL federal agencies are required to obtain Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program certifications for all proposals.
  • Mason has implemented a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program certification for ALL federal proposals that includes a review of key personnel Biosketches, Current and Pending and COI disclosures.
  • NSF was the first agency implementing the NSPM-33 research security disclosure and certification requirements using the new “common forms,” effective May 20, 2024.
  • The new forms are available in SciENcv and must be certified prior to downloading.
  • For NSF proposals, all senior/key personnel must certify that the individual is not a party to a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment program.  This certification will be included in the new Current and Pending (Other) Support document. 
  • NSF has a new biosketch format that removes synergistic activities.  Synergistic activities will now be presented in a separate document attached to the proposal.
  • OSP Authorized Organizational Representation will also have to certify that George Mason has performed due diligence in ensuring that no key personnel are involved in Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment programs.
    • ALL NSF proposals, including proposals where Mason is a subrecipient, are now required to undergo an ORIA review of key personnel current and pending and biosketch forms. See process.
    • Current and pending and biosketch documents must be prepared as early as possible to facilitate this review.  Late documents may result in proposals not being submitted.
  • NSF will require all senior/key personnel on potential awards to submit updated Current and Pending (Other) Support information before making a funding recommendation. 

Confidential Information

As a part of sponsored project activities or preliminary discussions with a potential sponsor, it is often necessary to disclose confidential or proprietary information owned by Mason or the sponsor to each other. In those cases, separate nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) may be executed to specify restrictions on the use of such confidential information and the requirements for safeguarding it. Typically, NDAs require the parties to use the same reasonable efforts to protect each other’s confidential or proprietary information as they do their own and only those directly participating in the project activities are permitted access to such information. It is the responsibility of the PI to ensure that all project participants understand and agree to terms of use regarding the confidential or proprietary information. It is Mason policy for each PI to sign their NDA in a “read and understood“ capacity acknowledging their responsibilities for safeguarding the confidential or proprietary information of the sponsor.  OSP will review, negotiate and provide the institutional signature for all NDAs executed by the University.  Please contact the Contracts Team for additional information or assistance.

Conflict of Interest

Each investigator is required to disclose situations where “significant financial interests” are present through submitting an online Conflict of Interest Certification. Proposals cannot be submitted until all named personnel submit their disclosures.

Organizational Conflict of Interest

Organizational conflicts of interest means that because of relationships with a parent company, affiliate, or subsidiary organization, the non-Federal entity is unable or appears to be unable to be impartial in conducting a procurement action involving a related organization. 

  • Some Sponsors require Mason to sign an Organizational Conflict of Interest certification at the pre-award stage. This is typically under contracts, especially DOD related, as well as private Sponsors.
  • Due to changing federal requirements, Mason is developing an organizational conflict of interest policy and will have supporting procedures and business process for how to review and certify. This is expected in late 2024.
  • In the meantime, OSP and ORIA have put in place a process when the OSP Pre-award Director is asked to sign Representations and Certifications (Reps & Certs) that include OCI certifications.
    • This process can take several days to a week and may also require obtaining information and attestations from the PI and subrecipients.
    • If a proposal has an OCI certification as part of Reps and Certs, it is important that the Research Administrator submit a request for an OCI review at least seven days before the due date. It can be sent separately and before the entire proposal package if sub recipients are identified.

Cost Sharing

Cost Share is the portion of project expenditures related to a sponsored project that is contributed by parties other than the sponsor, and not directly charged to the sponsored fund.  See University Policy Number 4016.

Types of Cost Share include:

  • Mandatory Committed (tracked and reported to the sponsor) – required by the sponsor and is therefore referenced in the proposal by dollar amount and type.
  • Voluntary Committed (tracked and reported to the sponsor) – not required by the sponsor, but is still referenced in the proposal by dollar amount and type. Becomes mandatory if project is awarded.
  • Voluntary Uncommitted (tracked internally, but not reported to the sponsor) – not required by the sponsor, not mentioned or referenced anywhere in the proposal.

Cost Sharing must be proposed, approved, administered, and accounted for in a consistent and prudent manner. This includes understanding workload implications of the cost share commitment, determining when cost sharing is appropriate, and accurately recording and reporting cost share expenditures.

If a sponsored project includes cost share, use the appropriate non-sponsored organization number, with the cost share activity code provided in the project’s OSP award letter, to charge and track cost shared expenditures for the life of the award.

Cost sharing Represents Real Costs to Mason

  • Cost sharing represents a redirection of University resources from instruction or other activities to support a sponsored project. The PI, department chair, college dean or director, and other administrators should carefully weigh the cost-effectiveness and the expected benefits of cost sharing prior to making the commitment in a proposal. Effort committed may not exceed that allowed by the faculty or staff member’s appointment.

Some projects allow for pre-award expenses. However, any costs incurred prior to the award are incurred at the PI’s risk and may not be reimbursed if the sponsor does not allow pre-award spending.

Sponsor-Specific Resources:

Additional Proposal Resources: