Pre-Award Process for Subrecipients

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) requires subrecipients working with George Mason University on proposals to submit the following documents 10 days prior to the sponsor proposal deadline:

Subrecipients’ documents will be reviewed by OSP.  If changes are needed, the Grants Administrator will follow up with the designated contact.  OSP will prepared combined budget and submit all subrecipient documents to the sponsor with the application package.

Submission Instructions:

  • Signed subrecipient commitment form and required attachments are due to George Mason University 10 days prior to sponsor proposal deadline.
  • Submit the signed subrecipient commitment form with all attachments to the Mason Grants or Research Administrator working with you.-Attachments should be individual PDFs clearly labeled.-One subaward request per email, please. Include in the email subject the GMU PI Name, Funding Proposal Number, then attach Subrecipient Commitment form and other attachments.
  • George Mason is a member of the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) Expanded Clearinghouse. Therefore, FDP clearinghouse members use the FDP Subrecipient Commitment Form, requiring only information specific to this proposal.  Additional information and representations and certifications are taken from the FDP Clearinghouse.  FDP Expanded Clearinghouse Members are required to include the list of required attachments in their email to Mason.

Contact Information:

OSP Staff Contacts

For general questions, please contact
