Office of Sponsored Programs

Award Set-Up Process

The post-award administration team provides financial management of all sponsored award funding. New awards and award modifications are reviewed and accepted by the Office of Sponsored Programs. Once all of the terms and conditions have been negotiated, the fully executed award document is sent to the OSP award administration team for review and set up in the university’s financial system.

The principal investigator will be notified of any below requirements that must be completed prior to setting up the award:

  • Indirect cost split ancillary review in RAMP (if applicable)
  • Compliance requirements (if applicable) to include IRB approvals for human subjects, IACUC approvals for animal subjects, lab safety protocol approvals, COI approvals, FCOI training completion (DHHS only), and required safeguards for export controlled or classified research.

After resolution of any pending issues, the award information is entered into RAMP and Banner, and a unique fund number is assigned for charging expenditures to the sponsored award. Once the award set up is complete, the PI will be notified and provided with the appropriate information to access and review their award in RAMP and begin expending funds. Please note, if there are any subawards budgeted on the project, those will be issued after all pending items are resolved and the award set up is finished.