Office of Sponsored Programs

OSP Current and Pending Process

OSP Current and Pending Process change 2-18-2021 pdf file icon. you will be leaving the site

Updated February 18, 2021


  1. Within 4 days of receiving Request for Proposal Assistance, OSP GS emails spreadsheet with proposal and award list to the College/Department contact (or PI in cases where there is no College/Department pre-award contact). Email will contain proposal ID/Number, PI name, known proposal information and date due back to OSP.A. COLLEGES WILL UPDATE BASED ON THEIR PROCEDURES: Per college procedures, [College/Department Financial contact or PI reviews] current award list and
    o Updates the highlighted effort column with updated effort numbers
    o Selects the appropriate code from Column A
    R – Reviewed and confirmed
    • E – EditedB. PI or College/Department contact reviews PI data tab for accuracy. If edits are needed, please enter them in the “Notes” Column.

    C. PI or College/Department contact completes highlighted columns
    o Column A: Select appropriate code from dropdown (or use Notes if necessary)
    • R – Reviewed and confirmed
    • X – Delete
    • E – Edited
    • A – Added (complete all columns of information)
    o IMPORTANT: Please do not “cut+paste” as it will break the formulas built into the spreadsheet. Add new rows to bottom of spreadsheet.

2. If PI is required to report “Other Support” (required for NIH), PI enters information in “Other Support” tab.

3. College/Department contact (or the PI, in cases where there is no college/department contact) will return the C&P spreadsheet back to OSP Grant Specialist by the due date in the OSP email, typically 6 days before Sponsor due date, to enable OSP to create the C&P form by the 4-day deadline. ONLY ONE COPY OF SPREADSHEET SHOULD BE SENT BACK to Grant Specialist.

A. GS updates PODS based on feedback about rejected proposals
B. PI/College Dept’s work with OSP if changes are needed to Award information in PATS/Banner

4. Non-NSF Proposals: OSP Grant specialist prepares the current and pending form based on Sponsor format and notifies Grants Administrator that C&P ready. Grants Administrator sends out final C&P document as part of final grant package for PI approval.

5. NSF Proposals: NSF now requires PIs to use an NSF approved format. The recommended form is to generate C&Ps from SciENcv.

A. OSP and College/Department follow steps 1,2 and 2 above. PIs/Colleges will need to return NSF Current and Pending spreadsheets to OSP to ensure OSP can update its systems with any edited information.
B. OSP GS will send College/Department contact or PI a courtesy copy of the formatted Current and Pending form for the PI to use when entering information into SciENcv as it contains effort percentages.