Outage is scheduled to be down for a full week between Friday, September 23 and Thursday, September 29, 2022. It will go back online Friday, September 30. The system will be migrated to the Cloud during this extended period. Per the Team, this transition to the Cloud will allow for fewer maintenance outages, higher availability, and ensure a modern infrastructure to support future system enhancements. Please click here to access FAQs in regards to how this downtime will effect RAMP.

To ensure timely submissions and avoid delays, please work with your local Research Administrator and OSP to plan your grant submissions for federal deadlines occurring around this timeframe. We strongly encourage preparing and finalizing applications as early as possible to limit potential impacts
NIH has announced that NIH due dates that fall on or between Thursday, September 22 and Friday, September 30, 2022 will move to October 3, 2022, with caveats and considerations found here.

Other agencies may have different policies and procedures regarding this maintenance window and applications associated with deadlines during that time should be carefully evaluated to determine when they should be submitted.