Award Acceptance & Management – Research Administrator Certificate (5)

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April 19, 2017 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Managing externally funded sponsored projects can be a fun and challenging adventure. Many new research administrators wonder about the overall process including their roles in the support and management of the project; which rules apply and where to look for those rules; who else has a role in supporting the project and who they can call if they have questions. This session will provide an overview of the award acceptance and setup process and best practices that can be used for the post award management of your projects from the central OSP and college/department level perspectives here at Mason.

This session fulfills a requirement of the Research Administrator Certificate Program. You do not need to be in the program to attend the session.

Learner Outcomes

Participants will gain an understanding of the award acceptance, setup and management process here at Mason and learn the following:

How to read an award document and review the sponsor approved budget

The characteristics of different types of agreements and invoicing

Where to identify which rules apply and the order of precedence

The roles and responsibilities of every person involved in supporting and managing the project

How certain requests such as no cost extensions, changes in personnel, and budget modifications are handled

What types of commitments are encumbered in the PI Reports

How to forecast project expenditures, calculate indirect costs and determine how much funding is available

The differences between Grants and Gifts and how to handle GMU Foundation Awards

Instructions and registration information. 

Video-conferencing for this session is available at the following locations:  Science and Tech Campus, Colgan Hall 221; and Arlington Campus, Founders Hall B119.  The session will also be videotaped.


April 19, 2017
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Pat Sperry


Merten Hall, Room 2001
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA United States
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